Tuesday 22 March 2016

Movie Magazine-Type 2

I created a different type of magazine cover because I did not like the last one. In this one I tried to make it like one that I previously analysed earlier in the year. I created this using Photoshop. I like it a lot more than the last one but I think there is still more work to be done on it to make it as realistic as possible.

Sunday 20 March 2016


This is a billboard in the city centre of Belfast. I used this image because it is very clear and because it is a horizontal billboard, therefore my horizontal poster would fit it perfectly. I edited this picture using Photoshop and distorted the image so that it could fit onto the billboard.

Bus Billboard-Advertising

As part of advertising the film I created various images of what way my film would be advertised. This is a common way that films are advertised. I got this image off google images and edited my poster onto it using Photoshop.

Character Poster- Eimear Loughran

I created this poster using Photoshop and incorporated the same ideas as the other two character posters.

Character Poster- Aisling Rath

Here is the poster I created for Aisling Rath who plays the character Megan Strain. I created this poster using Photoshop and used the same idea as I did for Eimear Rodgers' poster.

Movie Poster Changes Type 2

When I produced this poster I got very positive feedback of which I wasn't expecting. My teacher advised me to make very slight changes. This change was moving the image of Lucy down more so that her eyes could be seen more clearly. I plan to obtain more feedback for this poster. 

Movie Magazine Draft 1

Here is the draft of the movie magazine I created. Overall I think I could do a lot better when it comes to the construction of my magazine. I am going to get lots of feedback so that I can create a better version for my final draft.

Movie Magazine Names

Here is an outline of the brainstorm I created using Prezi outlining the ideas of what I should call my movie magazine.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Movie Poster- Survey Monkey

Here I created a survey using survey monkey so that I could obtain feedback as to which poster I should use. I sent this round to my peers in my class so that I could obtain a lot of responses.


Tuesday 15 March 2016

Advertising Bus Stop- Movie Poster

I researched a picture of a bus stop and found this one on Google Images. It was simply and easy to use as it was a clear image that could be edited easily. On this advertising bard on a bus stop I concur that my poster looks very professional and real.

Movie Poster Type 1 Draft 2

I edited this photo by increasing the visibility of the white in all four of the girls eyes. I did this by turning the saturation to -43 and the brightness to +58. I think this makes the poster more effective and professional looking as you can see the eyes more clearly.

Movie Poster- Type 2/Draft 2

Here is the second draft of my second poster. I originally was going to use the first type that I created but after gaining teacher feedback I am stuck on which one to choose. therefore I am going to gain feedback from my fellow peers so that I know which one to select.

Character Poster 1- Eimear Rodgers

From the influence of the Hunger Games character posters that I analysed at the start of the year, I created my own character posters. Here is the first one UI created that is of the character Erin Strain that is played by the actress Eimear Rodgers. I created this poster using Abode Photoshop. I hope to get some feedback on this poster so I can make it more realistic and professional.

Teaser Trailer Music Change

I decided to change the music for the soundtrack on my teaser trailer. I was advised to do this by my teacher because he said the music choice was bringing me down to a lower mark band than what I could originally achieve. I researched audio tube for a long time until I finally found the write track.

Here is the link as to where you can find it:

Audio Network- Kidnapped

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Movie Poster 1-Construction

Movie Poster Type 3- First Draft

This is my third type of poster created for my movie magazine. I created this using Photoshop and I created it because I wanted it to tie in with the movie poster cliches. This will most likely not be the once I will use but I plan to get some target audience feedback on it.

Movie Poster Type 2- First Draft

I created a second type of poster so that I could have a range to choose from before I chose and edited my final one. This is very different to the last and I like the was it all blends in, but personally I like the other one more. I created this using Photoshop.

Movie Poster Draft 1

Here I have the first draft of my movie poster for my film. I am very proud with the outcome as I think it is very professional looking. I plan on getting lots of feedback from this poster from the others in my class. I created is using Photoshop and later I will upload a step by step construction process as to how I created it.

Movie Poster Star Rating

When starting the construction of my movie poster I decided to Google some images of star ratings. On Photoshop I added on the text The Guardian because I knew the Guardian was a very popular and well sought of newspaper that reviewed a lot of the top class films. This was very easily done and it turned out well.