Thursday 22 October 2015

How a Movie Magazine is made

Movie magazines are usually constructed and from various magazine publishers and editors. They pick an interesting upcoming movie that they can get good interesting information on that no other movie magazine has. There are various job roles within the creation of the movie magazine issue. Firstly, there would be the journalist asking information, asking questions, interviewing the actors and actresses and writing up the entire article. There would be a photographer taking pictures of the characters for their front cover image, their contents page image and the images on a double page spread for the article. There would be an editor for the photographs making sure they are suitable enough for the magazine and there would be a graphic designer, who designs the front cover adding other images and text onto it, making sure it is appealing, eye catching and appropriate for the audience. An editor in chief within the magazine publishing company would overlook the magazine to see if it is perfect for publishing, and if it is it will then be sent to printers and distributed throughout the world.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Movie Magazine Codes and Conventions

Here I researched the codes and conventions of a movie magazine cover so when i come to creating my movie magazine I will know what the main things are that I need to include that follow the guidelines of every other magazine.

Movie Magazine Industry Research

Movie Magazine Cover Analysis

Here I analysed the two covers of the Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 and Transformers: Age of Extinction, published by Empire Magazine. Empire was the only magazine to do a featured cover on both two films, as the other famous magazine total film did not. This indicates that the magazine company Empire is more outgoing and featuring bigger blockbuster films, and most likely has more readers as the film and production companies have chosen this magazine to feature their films that are about to be released.
Hunger Games:


Monday 19 October 2015

Movie Magazine Montage- Total Film

Here I created a collage again to compare all the magazine covers, but this time from the magazine film company Total Film. Total film have various different types of movies, unlike empire which try to stick to the one genre, They do tend to have a couple of main genres, but they do show variety in their choices. They include action, horror, science fiction, mystery etc.

Movie Magazine Montage- Empire

Here I made a collage of a various range of magazine covers from the movie magazine Empire. We can see various similarities and differences. Empire like to change it up every so often, but they stick to the main colour of red. We can also see that Empire is drawn towards action and science fiction movies, which must be their target audience, people who are interested in this.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Movie Poster Creation Process

I researched how to make a movie poster and came across this image. I found it very useful and it is a very easy guide to follow. From researching other posters, I can see various similarities with this poster and I am guessing that they also used this guide. When I am making my own movie poster I will come back and use this image as a guideline for help when I am creating the poster as a little help will make the process a lot easier. Most movie studios would use the software Photoshop or InDesign to create their poster. They are very easy to use and it can help you make amazing changes to your images. Most people believe the hardest part of making a film is actually recording the film and finding actors and actresses to fill the roles and who suit them perfectly. But the graphic part of the process is also extremely hard, as it is the first thing people see along with the trailer. Many people these days see the posters first, so they have to represent the film perfectly, as they are what entice the audience to come see the film.

Hunger Games Movie Posters

Movie Poster Analysis- Transformers 4

Created with Padlet                                                           

Here I used the online software Padlet, of which I had already used in my coursework last year so I had a good grip of how to use it. Here I analysed a movie poster. I broke it down into different pieces, which will help me when it comes to the creation of my movie poster. 

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Movie Poster Montage

I created this montage on Microsoft PowerPoint. I used PowerPoint as it was already installed on m computer and is very simple to use. I found all the pictures of the posters on Google images and pasted them onto the PowerPoint and then screenshot the screen and saved it as a JPEG. I have done this before within my other subjects so I was quite quick at doing it.

This method really showed me all the different types of movie posters that there is. I can see a clear comparison between the horror and thriller posters compared to those in the genre of family and children's films. This gives me a better insight of what I should design my movie poster like for when it comes to the time.

Movie Poster Codes and Conventions

Again I used Google Slides, but researched the Movie Poster Codes and Conventions. These codes and conventions give me a good insight into what the main things are that I will need for my movie poster when I create it further on in the year.

Movie Poster Cliché's

I used the software Powtoon to create this presentation. Powtoon is very simple and easy to use and can be used in a variety of different ways with various different themes, layouts, fonts, animations etc to choose from. I used Powtoon as I want a range of software used throughout my coursework to make sure that I have a variety.

Transformers Movie Posters

I used the software Animoto, which was fun and easy to use. I used it last year throughout my coursework as it is visually attractive and catches your eye. I will definitely be using this online software again throughout the rest of my course.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Production Company Research

I found a new type of online software of which I could create visual presentations on. It is called Piktochart. Not only is is free, but it is very easy and fun to use with various different layouts you can use. I recommend anyone to sue Piktochart and will definitely be using it in the future.

Thursday 8 October 2015

Viral Marketing Research

Powered by emaze Here I used the software emaze. Emaze was hard to get a grip of at the atart but it got easier to handle as I went along. I will defiantley be using emaze in the future as it lets me share other types of presentations within it eg YouTube videos, PowerPoints etc.

Product Placement Research-Transformers

For this task I used the online software Google Slides. When researching product placement I was searching round different films that had plenty of noticeable products and found a clip on YouTube which showed me on the clear products that were placed within the Transformers 1 movie. I then screenshot each clip of which the product was visible and then pasted it into a power-point. Google Slides is a very easy software to use as you can publish presentations that were previously saved onto your private documents. I will definitely be using Google Slides again for further research throughout my course.