Thursday 22 October 2015

How a Movie Magazine is made

Movie magazines are usually constructed and from various magazine publishers and editors. They pick an interesting upcoming movie that they can get good interesting information on that no other movie magazine has. There are various job roles within the creation of the movie magazine issue. Firstly, there would be the journalist asking information, asking questions, interviewing the actors and actresses and writing up the entire article. There would be a photographer taking pictures of the characters for their front cover image, their contents page image and the images on a double page spread for the article. There would be an editor for the photographs making sure they are suitable enough for the magazine and there would be a graphic designer, who designs the front cover adding other images and text onto it, making sure it is appealing, eye catching and appropriate for the audience. An editor in chief within the magazine publishing company would overlook the magazine to see if it is perfect for publishing, and if it is it will then be sent to printers and distributed throughout the world.

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