Friday 27 November 2015

Name Ideas

I brainstormed some ideas for the name of my film and put them into the following presentation of which I made on Google Slides.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Trailer and Poster Inspiration

Cleveland Abduction Trailer

Here is the trailer I am using to help me gather ideas for my film as it is the same story as to what I am basing my trailer on. I took inspiration from it to help me in my storyboard. I also included the pictures of the two movie posters of which I will use to help me create mine for the poster of my teaser trailer.


Here I created a storyboard that I drew up myself to show my audience what the basic ideas are for what is going to be in the teaser trailer and movie and how long they are going to last etc. I took the photographs on my iPhone 5s and uploaded them to a power point of which I shared on prezi so that it could be easily shared and embedded onto my blog. All of the photos are in chronological order.

Monday 23 November 2015

Self Harm Research

In the film trailer I want one of the characters to deal with self harm, and make the film a more realistic experience. I decided to research self harm so I could know exactly what it is.

Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. It's usually a way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress.
Sometimes when people self-harm, they feel on some level that they intend to die. Over half of people who die by suicide have a history of self-harm.
However, the intention is more often to punish themselves, express their distress or relieve unbearable tension. Sometimes the reason is a mixture of both.
Self-harm can also be a cry for help.

Getting help

If you're self-harming, you should see your GP for help. They can refer you to healthcare professionals at a local community mental health service for further assessment. This assessment will result in your care team working out a treatment plan with you to help with your distress.
Treatment for people who self-harm usually involves seeing a therapist to discuss your thoughts and feelings, and how these affect your behaviour and wellbeing. They can also teach you coping strategies to help prevent further episodes of self-harm. If you're badly depressed, it could also involve taking antidepressants or other medication.
Read more about getting help if you self-harm.

Useful organisations

There are organisations that offer support and advice for people who self-harm, as well as their friends and families. These include:

Types of self-harm

There are many different ways people can intentionally harm themselves, such as:
  • cutting or burning their skin
  • punching or hitting themselves
  • poisoning themselves with tablets or toxic chemicals
  • misusing alcohol or drugs
  • deliberately starving themselves (anorexia nervosa) or binge eating (bulimia nervosa)
  • excessively exercising
People often try to keep self-harm a secret because of shame or fear of discovery. For example, if they're cutting themselves, they may cover up their skin and avoid discussing the problem. It's often up to close family and friends to notice when somebody is self-harming, and to approach the subject with care and understanding. 

Signs of self-harm

If you think a friend or relative is self-harming, look out for any of the following signs:
  • unexplained cuts, bruises or cigarette burns, usually on their wrists, arms, thighs and chest
  • keeping themselves fully covered at all times, even in hot weather
  • signs of depression, such as low mood, tearfulness or a lack of motivation or interest in anything
  • self-loathing and expressing a wish to punish themselves
  • not wanting to go on and wishing to end it all
  • becoming very withdrawn and not speaking to others
  • changes in eating habits or being secretive about eating, and any unusual weight loss or weight gain
  • signs of low self-esteem, such as blaming themselves for any problems or thinking they're not good enough for something
  • signs they have been pulling out their hair
  • signs of alcohol or drugs misuse
People who self-harm can seriously hurt themselves, so it's important that they speak to a GP about the underlying issue and request treatment or therapy that could help them.

Why people self-harm

Self-harm is more common than many people realise, especially among younger people. It's estimated around 10% of young people self-harm at some point, but people of all ages do. This figure is also likely to be an underestimate, as not everyone seeks help.
In most cases, people who self-harm do it to help them cope with overwhelming emotional issues, which may be caused by:
  • social problems – such as being bullied, having difficulties at work or school, having difficult relationships with friends or family, coming to terms with their sexuality if they think they might be gay or bisexual, or coping with cultural expectations, such as an arranged marriage
  • trauma – such as physical or sexual abuse, the death of a close family member or friend, or having a miscarriage
  • psychological causes – such as having repeated thoughts or voices telling them to self-harm, disassociating (losing touch with who they are and with their surroundings), or borderline personality disorder
These issues can lead to a build-up of intense feelings of anger, guilt, hopelessness and self-hatred. The person may not know who to turn to for help and self-harming may become a way to release these pent-up feelings.
Self-harm is linked to anxiety and depression. These mental health conditions can affect people of any age. Self-harm can also occur alongside antisocial behaviour, such as misbehaving at school or getting into trouble with the police.
Although some people who self-harm are at a high risk of suicide, many people who self-harm don't want to end their lives. In fact, the self-harm may help them cope with emotional distress, so they don't feel the need to kill themselves.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Script Draft 1


Voice Over; How would you feel
                     If your life 
                     Was taken away
                     Too early
Gun shot 

Amazing, talented and reflective. I have never seen this story told so well. -Janet Maslin New York Times

From the director of  Broken Arrows and The Life of the Lie

Voice over: he hurt me, he hit me, he abused me, he harassed me, he bullied me.

Bird noises at the end clip
I posted the script on my blog so I can easily go and find it again. If I think of any other things that I want to include in it or remove. I will create a new draft. It is not really a script but it outlines some ideas as it is more just about shots and clips as in the clip there may not actually be a lot of diegetic dialogue, more non diegetic.

Ohio Kidnappings Timeline of Events

Aug. 22, 2002 - 21-year-old Cleveland woman Michelle Knight is last seen at her cousin's house. Police later said that Ariel Castro lured her into his home with the offer of a puppy for her son and restrained her with extension cords, beginning her 11-year captivity.

April 21, 2003 - A day shy of her 17th birthday, Amanda Berry vanishes. She's last seen leaving her part-time job at a Burger King, and police would later say that Castro offered her a ride and lured her into his home by telling her his daughter, whom she knew, was inside.

January 2004 - Police go to Ariel Castro's home at 2207 Seymour Ave., about 3 miles from where Knight and Berry were last seen. No one answers the door. Child welfare officials had alerted police that Castro, a school bus driver, apparently left a child unattended on a bus. Police later spoke to Castro and determined there was no criminal intent.

April 2, 2004 -14-year-old Gina DeJesus goes missing in the same area as she's walking home from school. Police later said DeJesus, who was friends with Castro's daughter, was held inside the home after Castro asked her to help him carry a speaker to his car. Castro trapped her in the basement by telling her the door was an exit, police said.

March 2, 2006 - Berry's mother Louwana Miller, 43, dies after being hospitalized with pancreatitis and other ailments. She had spent the previous three years looking for her daughter.

November, 2011 - A neighbor, Israel Lugo, said he heard pounding on some of the doors of Castro's house, which had plastic bags on the windows. Lugo said officers knocked on the front door, but no one answered. Officers walked around outside the house and left, Lugo said.

July 2012 -Neighbor Elsie Cintron claims she contacted police at this time to report strange activity at the Castro house, including a naked woman crawling in the backyard and a little girl in the attic window.

May 6, 2013 - Amanda Berry, 27, Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32, are discovered alive in castro's home, along with a six-year-old girl who would later be identified as the daughter of Berry and Castro.
Berry kicked in a screen door, and yelled to neighbor Charles Ramsey for help. She's heard on a 911 call saying, "I've been kidnapped, and I've been missing for 10 years, and I'm here. I'm free now."

May 8, 2013 - Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus return to their family's home to cheers and crowds of supporters. Family and neighbors express shock that the long-missing women were being held so close to home by a neighborhood bus driver many were familiar with.

May 9, 2013 - Ariel Castro, 53, appears in court after appearances by his two brothers, Pedro and Onil, who were also taken into custody on unrelated charges and cleared of any wrongdoing in the case. Police said there was no indication they knew about the women's captivity. Facing four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape, Ariel Castro is held on $8 million bail.
According to a police report obtained by CBS News, Knight told investigators that Castro forced her to deliver Berry's baby while in captivity, and he warned her if the baby were to die, he would kill her.
Knight told police, according to the report, that Castro impregnated her "at least 5 times," but that each time he would starve her and then punch her in the stomach to induce a miscarriage.

May 10, 2013 - Cuyahoga County prosecutor Thomas McGinty says he may charge Castro with aggravated murder related to pregnancies terminated by force and hints that he could seek the death penalty.
Police said the women were apparently bound by ropes and chains and suffered prolonged sexual and psychological abuse.

July 12, 2013 - Castro is indicted on 977 charges including aggravated murder, kidnapping and rape. The charges expand on an earlier 329-count indictment that covered only part of the time frame of the alleged crimes.

July 26, 2013 - Castro accepts a plea deal that spares him the death penalty, pleading guilty to an amended indictment that includes 937 charges.
"I knew I was going to get pretty much the book thrown at me," Castro says, appearing in court. He says he is "fully aware" of the terms of the plea agreement and consented to it, adding, "There are some things I don't understand...because of my sexual problem."

August 1, 2013 - At his sentencing hearing, Castro addresses the court, saying he is "not a monster" and describing himself as "sick." He denied in court that he ever raped or tortured his victims, at one point saying there was "harmony" in the home.

"To clear the record, I am not a monster, I did not prey on these women, I just acted on my sexual instincts because of my sexual addiction," Castro says. "As God is my witness, I never beat these women like they're trying to say I did. I never tortured them."
Michelle Knight addresses Castro in court, crying.
"You took 11 years of my life away, and now I have got it back," Knight says. "I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning."
Castro is sentenced to life without parole plus an additional 1,000 years.

August 7, 2013 - Castro's Cleveland home is demolished. Victim Michelle Knight makes a brief appearance and releases balloons into the air.

September 3, 2013 - Castro is found dead in his cell, hanging from a bedsheet, shortly more than a month into his life sentence. A report later confirmed his cause of death was suicide, CBS affiliate WOIO reported.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Character Profiles

I created a character profile on Piktochart so my audience and readers could see the images of the girls who are acting it and get a basis of the story line of the charcaters.

Character Name Inspiration

I looked up the most popular names in 1995,1997 and 2000 as these will be the years the girls are born in. Niamh will be 22 when captured therefore she will be called Katherine as it was the 77th most popular name in 1995. Eimear will be called Erin as it was the 33rd most popular name in 1997 and Aisling's character will be called Megan as it was the 12th most popular name in 2000. This will mean when captured, Katherine will be 22, Erin will be 18 and Megan will be 15. In accordance with the film when they are released ten years later, Katherine will be 32, Erin will be 28 and Megan will be 24.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Animoto Mood Board

I made a mood board to try and show my audience what type of mood I am trying to set my movie in and show them what it would tie in along with

My Ideas

I decided to put my ideas into a Prezi outlining my general and basic ideas about my teaser trailer that I can look back upon for when I am producing my teaser trailer.

Lighting Inspiration

I was researching what type of lighting I would use when I found this image. I am going to use this as a clip in my teaser trailer as the perpetrator standing in the door as it is dark mysterious and creepy.

The Psychology of Horror

I found a website online that gave me a lot of helpful information about the genre of horror and its psychology. I decided to place it on my blog in google slide form so I can go back and look at it when I am planning my teaser trailer.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Ohio Kidnappings Research

For GCSE one of my subjects was Drama. For my GCSE Practical we had to audition in groups for the part we wanted to play. We had to create our own play which showed the potential we could achieve and would help our teacher choose our roles for the main practical. Along with two of my friends we chose to do a play based on the story of the three girls abducted in Ohio for over 11 years and turn it into a play. I did plenty of research to ensure I had the most valuable information so that I could write a script on it.
When deciding what I wanted to do for my teaser trailer I was planning on doing a Horror Movie, but I could not decide what I was going to include in this. I then decided to join together the two genres of mystery and horror and I am going to use the story of the three girls abduction to help me create my trailer story. I created a Prezi with a lot of information about the kidnappings and captivity to help my audience understand where I am getting the ideas from and develop a depper insight to all the details about the truly disturbing story.

Monday 9 November 2015

I was recently watching the music video where I noticed the bottles in the background which were focused on instead of the background singers. this was evidently product placement in the music video by the company Core who produce bottles. I thought I would place this on my blog as it has nothing to do with the video but fits in well without taking away from the music video. This gives me ideas as to how to shoot the products that will be specifically placed in my teaser trailer and where to place them. 

Thursday 5 November 2015

Ideal Viewer Profile

With help from the YouGov website I created this Animoto Video about the ideal viewer. The information is vital for potential advertisers who would be paying for their products to be featured within my movie.

Questionnaire Analysis

Here I analysed my questionnaire so I could breakdown what would help me for my trailer, and what would help me for my ideal reader also. I used PowerPoint and Slideshare to help me produce this presentation.


I decided to do some extra research on Facebook so I could see the benefits as to why I would advertise my film on it when the time comes for advertising my teaser trailer. In my target audience questionnaire I asked my respondents how they heard about the release of new films coming out in the near future and 45% of them said they see it through Facebook. Here are the reasons as to why I will advertise using Facebook:

1. It is free.
2. Over one billion people use it .
3. It is easy to access.
4. My target audience (15+) members are most likely on it.
5. Millions of people are able to share it to their friends and spread the word even more.

Target Audience Questionnaire Twitter

Here I screenshot the tweet I sent on my twitter profile to my followers hoping that they would fill in my survey as it would be a great help to me having various responses when I come to analyse my survey.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Target Audience Questionnaire- Facebook

Here I shared my survey on Facebook for my peers to complete. It was very simple and effective and I hope it generates many responses has I want a wide range of answers that can help me produce a teaser trailer that the public want.

Target Audience Research

Create your own user feedback survey Here I wanted to distribute an online questionnaire asking my friends on social networking sites such as Facebook to see what type of things they could be interested in so that I can play to my strengths to produce a teaser trailer that is wanted by the public. I used Survey Monkey for this part of my research. Survey Monkey is a free website that enables you to create many surveys and is quick and easy to use. On this website you can have various different types of surveys that you create from scratch. The website is even more useful as it analyses your results for you which makes life a whole lot easier and saves a lot of time for me to focus on other things.