Tuesday 10 November 2015

Ohio Kidnappings Research

For GCSE one of my subjects was Drama. For my GCSE Practical we had to audition in groups for the part we wanted to play. We had to create our own play which showed the potential we could achieve and would help our teacher choose our roles for the main practical. Along with two of my friends we chose to do a play based on the story of the three girls abducted in Ohio for over 11 years and turn it into a play. I did plenty of research to ensure I had the most valuable information so that I could write a script on it.
When deciding what I wanted to do for my teaser trailer I was planning on doing a Horror Movie, but I could not decide what I was going to include in this. I then decided to join together the two genres of mystery and horror and I am going to use the story of the three girls abduction to help me create my trailer story. I created a Prezi with a lot of information about the kidnappings and captivity to help my audience understand where I am getting the ideas from and develop a depper insight to all the details about the truly disturbing story.

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