Sunday 10 April 2016

Evaluation Question 4

This is the fourth question for my evaluation. It is entitled:

How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation Question 3

This question is entitled;
What have you learned from your target audience feedback?

Evaluation Question 2

This is the second question I was asked to answer for my evaluation.

Evaluation Question 1

Here is the first question I was asked to answer for the evaluation of my media work throughout the year. The question is entitled:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Saturday 9 April 2016

Movie Magazine Collage

I created this collage on the website called, of which I have used throughout my time as an A-Level Media student. It shows the difference between the first and last magazine cover. I think there is a very large difference between the first and last because the first one looks very sloppy and unprofessional while the final poster looks very realistic, well organised and professional.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Snapchat Filter

I thought a very successful viral marketing campaign was the snapchat filter. Snapchat is a very large social networking apps available on devices like tablets and smartphones. I chose snapchat for a vriety of reasons but the main reason was because of the amount of people it would access.I would release this filter around the time that my movie is released which is summer 2016. It would be available worldwide to ensure that every snapchat user is able to access it. Snapchat has about 60 million total installs, making it larger than Instagram when it sold to Facebook for $1 billion. Of those 60 million installs, Snapchat has about 30 million monthly active users. Fifty-five percent of monthly active users use Snapchat daily. That's 16.5 million people.

Movie Poster Comparison

Here I created a Prezi presentation which displayed the similarities in my poster compared to a real poster. Compared to a real poster I think my poster looks very realistic and professional.

Poster Final Draft

Here is my final draft for my Movie Poster. I am very happy with the final outcome and I think it is very professional looking.

Teaser Trailer-Final Draft

Sunday 3 April 2016

Movie Magazine Construction

Movie Magazine Comparison

Here IO compared my magazine cover to a real magazine cover of which I followed to make mine more professional and realistic looking. It also enabled me to follow the odes and conventions of a real one which I found very simple.

Movie Magazine Draft 2

I received some advice from my teacher and peers on what to adjust on my poster. I plan to get more because I still think the magazine looks unfinished.

Character Poster- Lucy Burns

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Movie Magazine-Type 2

I created a different type of magazine cover because I did not like the last one. In this one I tried to make it like one that I previously analysed earlier in the year. I created this using Photoshop. I like it a lot more than the last one but I think there is still more work to be done on it to make it as realistic as possible.

Sunday 20 March 2016


This is a billboard in the city centre of Belfast. I used this image because it is very clear and because it is a horizontal billboard, therefore my horizontal poster would fit it perfectly. I edited this picture using Photoshop and distorted the image so that it could fit onto the billboard.

Bus Billboard-Advertising

As part of advertising the film I created various images of what way my film would be advertised. This is a common way that films are advertised. I got this image off google images and edited my poster onto it using Photoshop.

Character Poster- Eimear Loughran

I created this poster using Photoshop and incorporated the same ideas as the other two character posters.

Character Poster- Aisling Rath

Here is the poster I created for Aisling Rath who plays the character Megan Strain. I created this poster using Photoshop and used the same idea as I did for Eimear Rodgers' poster.

Movie Poster Changes Type 2

When I produced this poster I got very positive feedback of which I wasn't expecting. My teacher advised me to make very slight changes. This change was moving the image of Lucy down more so that her eyes could be seen more clearly. I plan to obtain more feedback for this poster. 

Movie Magazine Draft 1

Here is the draft of the movie magazine I created. Overall I think I could do a lot better when it comes to the construction of my magazine. I am going to get lots of feedback so that I can create a better version for my final draft.

Movie Magazine Names

Here is an outline of the brainstorm I created using Prezi outlining the ideas of what I should call my movie magazine.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Movie Poster- Survey Monkey

Here I created a survey using survey monkey so that I could obtain feedback as to which poster I should use. I sent this round to my peers in my class so that I could obtain a lot of responses.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Advertising Bus Stop- Movie Poster

I researched a picture of a bus stop and found this one on Google Images. It was simply and easy to use as it was a clear image that could be edited easily. On this advertising bard on a bus stop I concur that my poster looks very professional and real.

Movie Poster Type 1 Draft 2

I edited this photo by increasing the visibility of the white in all four of the girls eyes. I did this by turning the saturation to -43 and the brightness to +58. I think this makes the poster more effective and professional looking as you can see the eyes more clearly.

Movie Poster- Type 2/Draft 2

Here is the second draft of my second poster. I originally was going to use the first type that I created but after gaining teacher feedback I am stuck on which one to choose. therefore I am going to gain feedback from my fellow peers so that I know which one to select.

Character Poster 1- Eimear Rodgers

From the influence of the Hunger Games character posters that I analysed at the start of the year, I created my own character posters. Here is the first one UI created that is of the character Erin Strain that is played by the actress Eimear Rodgers. I created this poster using Abode Photoshop. I hope to get some feedback on this poster so I can make it more realistic and professional.

Teaser Trailer Music Change

I decided to change the music for the soundtrack on my teaser trailer. I was advised to do this by my teacher because he said the music choice was bringing me down to a lower mark band than what I could originally achieve. I researched audio tube for a long time until I finally found the write track.

Here is the link as to where you can find it:

Audio Network- Kidnapped

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Movie Poster 1-Construction

Movie Poster Type 3- First Draft

This is my third type of poster created for my movie magazine. I created this using Photoshop and I created it because I wanted it to tie in with the movie poster cliches. This will most likely not be the once I will use but I plan to get some target audience feedback on it.

Movie Poster Type 2- First Draft

I created a second type of poster so that I could have a range to choose from before I chose and edited my final one. This is very different to the last and I like the was it all blends in, but personally I like the other one more. I created this using Photoshop.

Movie Poster Draft 1

Here I have the first draft of my movie poster for my film. I am very proud with the outcome as I think it is very professional looking. I plan on getting lots of feedback from this poster from the others in my class. I created is using Photoshop and later I will upload a step by step construction process as to how I created it.

Movie Poster Star Rating

When starting the construction of my movie poster I decided to Google some images of star ratings. On Photoshop I added on the text The Guardian because I knew the Guardian was a very popular and well sought of newspaper that reviewed a lot of the top class films. This was very easily done and it turned out well.

Monday 29 February 2016

Storyboard Changes

Here I created a presentation on Emaze demonstrating the changes I made from my storyboard to the real film. there is a lot of changes involved, especially with the introduction of new clips.

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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Restricted Film Rating

I googled an image of the green screen at the start of every trailer so I didn't have to waste time creating my own. I decided to select my audience as a restricted audience. I decided to further investigate what a restricted audience really was so I went on to the Motion Picture Association of America website which is the US version of the BBFC. Here is some items I found on the website.

Music Choice

For Draft 1 and Draft 2 of my teaser trailer I was planning on making my own soundtrack for the movie using the applications software garageband. The reason I chose not to do this is because I did not have enough time to create it as the editing and post production process of my teaser trailer was taking up a large quantity of time. I then proceeded to search Audio Network for various tracks and I found the clip Lost Girl 2 which I thought suited my trailer. First of all because the story is basically of three lost girls. When editing my Draft 3 trailer I decided to pick a different soundtrack that could be a faster pace. I am currently researching for another that is perfectly suited to mu film teaser trailer.

Monday 22 February 2016

Target Audience Feedback-Draft 1

Here I have uploaded a picture of my feedback which I gained from other members in my media class. Overall I think that the feedback I gained was very positive but helps me to improve my teaser trailer and hopefully my final outcome will be the best of my ability and achieve a high level.

Friday 19 February 2016

Teaser Trailer Changes

I created a slideshare of the changes I made between my first teaser trailer and my second. I can see a major change when I compare the two but there is still room for much needed changes.

Thursday 11 February 2016

First Draft - Teaser Trailer

This is the first draft of my Teaser Trailer created using the software known as Final Cut Pro.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Filming Day

I decided to film my trailer over the course of several days, as I knew I could not fit it into one day. So the first day was Friday the 15th of January. This was a cold and snowy day which was perfect for me as on the other days I could film, the weather would most likely be sunny or raining. The next day I filmed was Thursday the 28th of January. This was a wet day but it did not interfere with my filming. This day consisted of filming by myself, and the shots did not include any visual characters. I knew what shots I wanted as I had planned it all out on my story board. The thrid day of filming only took one hour as I knew what had to be shot, and where. These shots were not included in the first draft of my teaser trailer due to deadlines not being met. This was on Monday the 15th of February. It was a lot later compared to the rest due to it being the only available day where all characters could attend. Here are some of the behind the scenes images of the first day of filming on 15/01/2016.