Wednesday 10 February 2016

Filming Day

I decided to film my trailer over the course of several days, as I knew I could not fit it into one day. So the first day was Friday the 15th of January. This was a cold and snowy day which was perfect for me as on the other days I could film, the weather would most likely be sunny or raining. The next day I filmed was Thursday the 28th of January. This was a wet day but it did not interfere with my filming. This day consisted of filming by myself, and the shots did not include any visual characters. I knew what shots I wanted as I had planned it all out on my story board. The thrid day of filming only took one hour as I knew what had to be shot, and where. These shots were not included in the first draft of my teaser trailer due to deadlines not being met. This was on Monday the 15th of February. It was a lot later compared to the rest due to it being the only available day where all characters could attend. Here are some of the behind the scenes images of the first day of filming on 15/01/2016.

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